– Posters –

Important information about your poster presentation:
Digital Submission Requirements

Poster presenters must provide an A4-sized PDF version of their poster, to be uploaded onto the ICAZ conference website and mobile app. Please submit your A4 PDF to icaz@watermarkevents.com.au, by no later than 24 July 2023. Please ensure that your poster file is resized to A4, to make the file size manageable for digital upload. If you have created your poster in digital layers, make sure the image is flattened prior to saving the PDF version to further reduce file size.

Onsite Poster Details
Posters are to be printed on high quality paper (no material/cloth please) up to ISO A0 size (1189mm x 841mm) in portrait format. Regardless of the program in which the poster is created, the digital canvas size should be set to the desired output size (e.g. A0, A1) to avoid resolution issues.
Image Permissions and Acknowledgements

It is the responsibility of the poster authors to ensure that permission has been granted for all images used and that the source of any such images are acknowledged.

Set Up and Pack Down

Set up: Please deliver your poster to the Registration Desk upon your arrival to the conference. The conference staff will hang your posteron the scheduled day.

Pack Down: Your poster will be available for collection from the Registration Desk at the end of your Poster Session day. Any posters not collected by the end of the conference will be discarded. Collection of posters is the responsibility of the author and no responsibility can be accepted by the organisers for the safekeeping of posters.

Poster Session

Posters will be displayed for one day during the conference – please check below for your scheduled date. Poster presenters are expected to be present during their Poster Session to discuss the poster and answer any questions from other delegates.

Wednesday 9 August 2023

12:30pm - 1:30pm

Classification of Shell/Bone Beads in the Epi-Jomon Period and Elucidation of Their Use

Tomoya Aono

Faunal Uses at Monte Albán, Oaxaca: Subsistence, Ritual, Symbolic and Raw Materials

Joaquín Arroyo-Cabrales

Diverse Diets in Early Modern Ireland: Integrating the Evidence

Fiona Beglane

Diet Indicators in a Human Population of 17th-19th Centuries from Iasi City, Romania

Luminita Bejenaru

A Palaeohistological Analysis of Extinct Indian Hippopotamus (Hexaprotodon namadicus) from the Terminal Pleistocene

Prateek Chakraborty

Food and Identity (Re)Creation in Migrant Communities: Applying ZooMS to Highly Fragmented Faunal Remains From an Historical Queensland Gold Mining Town, Ravenswood

Marc Cheeseman

The Upper Paleolithic and Epipaleolithic Fauna from Sefunim Cave (Mt. Carmel, Israel): Initial Results

Jamie Clark

The Crocodile as Luxury Animal in Xochicalco

Eduardo Corona-Martinez

High-Powered Microscopy Can Help Distinguish Carnivore Scat-Bone

Lauren Cunningham

Bones and Phytoliths from the Medieval Neamt Fortress (NE of Romania)

Mihaela Danu

ZooMS in the Desert: Potentials and Limits in the Application of the Method in the Central Sahara

Martina Di Matteo

Isotope Analysis of Shellfish from Eleven Sites in the Pismo-Oceano Dunes Region of California

Jill Eubanks

Looking for the Herd: Interdisciplinary Project to Track the Origins of Transhumance at Northeast of the Iberian Peninsula During Middle Ages

Abel Gallego Valle

Lowland Cattle Through Time: A Long-Term Perspective on Cattle Husbandry in the Netherlands – From Neolithic to Early Medieval Period

Maaike Groot

Sulfur Isotopes, Seagrass, and Sea Turtle Serial Sampling: Exploring the Isotopic Ecology of the Key West Turtle Kraals

Eric Guiry

Ritual Meat in Classical Cyprus: First Glimpses into the Selection of Animals and Deviations from the Mundane

Angelos Hadjikoumis

Indigenous Archaeological Fisheries Records can Extend Marine Temperature Records and Ecological Baselines

Dylan Hillis

Understanding Late Pleistocene Tusk Shell Personal Ornamentation from the Coastal Pilbara, Western Australia Using Experimental Archaeology

Fiona Hook

Poultry Consumption in Early Modern (17th-19th Centuries) Nagasaki, Japan

Kai-Hsuan Hsu

Thursday 10 August 2023

12:30pm - 1:30pm

Dimensional Variability of Cattle (Bos taurus) in Medieval and Post-Medieval Moldova: Analysis of Withers Height

Luminita Bejenaru

Hunting Area and Interactions Between Archaeological Sites in Jomon Period: Focusing on Jomon Sites Around Chugoku Region and the Atsumi Peninsula, Japan

Eriko Ishimaru

Ozboneviz and Fishboneviz: A Virtual 3D Database of Australian and Pacific Vertebrate Fauna Skeletons

Ariana Lambrides

Consumption and Reuse in a Colonial Penal Settlement: Comparative and Proteomic Analyses of an Historical Zooarchaeological Assemblage

Erin Mein

Bridging Historic Baselines of Holocene Vertebrate Diversity and Extinction in the Caribbean

Michelle LeFebvre

Integrating Multi-Proxy Evidence to Understand the Historical Marine Ecology of Hokkaido and the Extinction of the Japanese Sea Lion

Hope Loiselle

The 17 Ka Wenas Creek Mammoth Site, Northwestern USA

Patrick Lubinski

Feeding the Roman Army in Britain: A Multi-Proxy Investigation into Supply Networks and Animal Management on the Frontiers

Richard Madgwick

Spatial Variations in the Zooarchaeological Record of Coastal Sites During the Late Holocene in Beagle Channel, Fuego-Patagonia, Chile (55°S/70°30′-66°30’W)

Javiera Mardones

Provisioning of Meat Supplies for Chilean Navy Vessels During the Mid-XIX Century

Florencia Marin

Going Deep into Taphonomy of Teeth: Experimental Approaches Applied to Dental Microwear Studies

Cristian Micó Sanchis

Counting Individuals: Different Ways to Address Taxonomic Abundance in Taphonomy

Mariana Mondini

Plant Microfossils from Guanaco (Lama guanicoe) Archaeological Teeth: Santa Cruz River Mouth, Patagonia (Argentina)

André Sebastián Muñoz

Bone as Fuel: A Taphonomic Examination of Three Inuit Houses at Cape Grinnell, NW Greenland

Hanna Marie Pageau

Rituals at the End of the Neolithic Occupation of the East Mound at Çatalhöyük, Turkey

Kamilla Pawłowska

Zooarchaeological Analysis of Fish Remains From the Thompson Turtle Kraal, a ca. 1970s Sea Turtle Corral in Key West, Florida, USA

Marria Peduto

A Dog (Canis lupus familiaris) Found in an 18th Century Fabric Workshop

Thania Pérez Chávez

Fishing and Fish Commerce in Medieval and Post-Medieval Moldova: Case Study of Iaşi City (Romania)

Margareta Simina Stanc

Friday 11 August 2023

12:30pm - 1:30pm

A Palaeohistological Examination of Faunal Material from the Chalcolithic Site of Inamgaon, Pune, Maharashtra, India

Prateek Chakraborty

Animal and Vegetal Resources in the Economy of the Medieval Town from Targu Neamt (Neamt County, Romania)

Mihaela Danu

Baarka/Darling Perch: Morphological and Chemical Analysis of Archaeological Otoliths from Western NSW

Morgan Disspain

Colonial Sydney Sheep: Using Geometric Morphometrics to Examine Potential Cranium Shape Differences

Tanja Nussbaumer

A White-Tailed Deer Awl as a Funerary Offering in a Preclassic Burial in the Basin of Mexico

Thania Pérez Chávez

The Sheep Timeline of Estonia, North-Eastern Europe

Eve Rannamäe

DNA-Based Species Identification of Hare Remains from Tse’K’wa (Charlie Lake Cave; HbRf-39) Provides Insights into the Pleistocene Palaeoecology of British Columbia‚Äôs Peace River Region

Thomas C.A. Royle

Exploitation of Small Vertebrates at Abric Pizarro (Lleida, Spain), a 65,000 BP Neanderthal Site in the South-Eastern Pre-Pyrenees

Sofia Samper Carro

India’s Story of Late Quaternary Megafaunal Extinction with Special Reference to Hippopotamus

Vijay Sathe

Nondestructive Histomorphological Species Identification of Burned Bone Fragments from the Late Pleistocene Using High-Resolution X-Ray CT at SPring-8 in Japan

Junmei Sawada

Animal Resources Used in the Food Economy of Soroca Fortress (17th Century AD)

Margareta Simina Stanc

A Re-Analysis of Late Pleistocene and Holocene Bird Remains from Creag Nan Uamh, Scotland

Chloe Stringer

Shellfish Processing and Distribution in the Jomon Period: The Formation of Largest Shell Mound in the Japanese Archipelago on the Shoreline

Manabu Uetsuki

How ‘Shaun the Sheep’ Looked Like in the Past? Evolution and Archaeological Diversity of Sheep Morphotypes in Southwest Asia

Manon Vuillien

Sea Snail Shell Cups in Ancient China: Based on Archaeological Materials and Historical Records

Juan Wang

It’s Not Just About the Digits: Developing Data Skills in a Collaborative Learning Environment

Sarah Whitcher Kansa

Ecological and Morphological Approaches for Assessing the Interactions Between Human and Suids in the Ryukyu Islands, Japan

Eisuke Yamada